Become A Calm-Confident Parent And Raise Resilient Children

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Master Stress-Free Parenting

Would you like to know the secrets of stress-free parenting? Get your bespoke range of tools and techniques ready to use when you need them.

Strengthen Relationships

Do you yearn to be deeply connected to your children? Connect with your children on a deep level so that they turn to you for guidance and support.

Recover Your Vitality

Are you longing to feel motivated, energetic, and enthusiastic? Master your mindset, daily habits and routines that will serve you for years to come.

Rediscover Your Time

Do you wish you had more time? Streamline your daily tasks, improve your time management skills, and remain productive throughout the day.

About Me

I live with a rare endocrine disorder which resulted in many symptoms including a brain tumour, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue and crippling Insomnia. Those sleepless nights led to feelings of exhaustion, especially when returning home after a long day’s work.

After my daughter was born, I started struggling with what I now term “parental anxiety” – those awful feelings of failure and being completely overwhelmed.

But wait – I’m a parenting coach!

How could I feel like I was failing?

Parenting was supposed to be easy for me, right?

I discovered parents often fall into the trap of being so overwhelmed by our busy schedules that you start to believe you have “no time” for anything, especially yourself and interpersonal relationships.

When I recognised this about myself, I literally decided to stop everything, simplify my life and take the necessary steps towards becoming a focused parent. Since then, I’ve dedicated my time to creating a 10-step parenting formula that I use to navigate my way through my daughter’s childhood. Us parents can take control of our busy schedules, reduce our parental anxiety and benefit from what now I term “focused parenting”. Through practicing the fundamental principles of this program, I parent with confidence (even when faced with inevitable parental challenges) and feel more relaxed than ever before. I’ve left feelings of “burnout” in the past and have an established routine which works for me. My healthy work/life balance allows me to be productive in my career while still having enough time and energy for my darling daughter, Grace.

My primary goal is to help busy parents everywhere feel supported on this amazing journey of parenthood by reducing everyday stresses, living more mindfully, and focusing on what really matters in this lifetime: your children.

About Me

I live with a rare endocrine disorder which resulted in many symptoms including a brain tumour, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue and crippling Insomnia. Those sleepless nights led to feelings of exhaustion, especially when returning home after a long day’s work.

After my daughter was born, I started struggling with what I now term “parental anxiety” – those awful feelings of failure and being completely overwhelmed.

But wait – I’m a parenting coach!

How could I feel like I was failing?

Parenting was supposed to be easy for me, right?

I discovered parents often fall into the trap of being so overwhelmed by our busy schedules that you start to believe you have “no time” for anything, especially yourself and interpersonal relationships.

When I recognised this about myself, I literally decided to stop everything, simplify my life and take the necessary steps towards becoming a focused parent. Since then, I’ve dedicated my time to creating a 10-step parenting formula that I use to navigate my way through my daughter’s childhood. Us parents can take control of our busy schedules, reduce our parental anxiety and benefit from what now I term “focused parenting”. Through practicing the fundamental principles of this program, I parent with confidence (even when faced with inevitable parental challenges) and feel more relaxed than ever before. I’ve left feelings of “burnout” in the past and have an established routine which works for me. My healthy work/life balance allows me to be productive in my career while still having enough time and energy for my darling daughter, Grace.

My primary goal is to help busy parents everywhere feel supported on this amazing journey of parenthood by reducing everyday stresses, living more mindfully, and focusing on what really matters in this lifetime: your children.

Reclaim Your Sanity

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Understand and prevent the power struggles you have with your children, shift your mindset to a more productive way of thinking, and start taking positive steps towards becoming a focused parent.

Free Yourself From Overwhelm

Let go of limiting beliefs and any other chaos that is keeping you tied to where you are. Discover a 10-step formula that will improve your time management skills, increase your emotional intelligence, and transform you into a calm-assertive communicator.

Enjoy Your Parenting Journey

Be well equipped with techniques and strategies that will bring clarity, purpose, and direction to your parenting journey. New possibilities will unfold for you each day and you will know how to embrace them and welcome them into your family dynamics.

My Clients

My Clients

Laura Halliway

Clinical psychologist

“Focused Family Formula offers a holistic approach to parenting that is easy to implement and adds structure to the family household. An excellent program for parents to reduce their stress levels and improve family relationships.”

Despina S

Youth worker/Teenage yoga instructor

“My communication with the young people I work with has improved greatly. They have all been responding well to the direction strategies Deborah teaches. I have also found they have a clearer understanding in the way they express their feelings and emotions.”

Sunit Gill

Director Epping Early Learning Centre

“I highly recommend this parenting program to families who want to gain a deeper understanding into their children’s developmental needs. This program has been made available to the educators at my centre.”

Hailey Calfe

Social Media Manager/Mother

“We now practice the same parenting strategies which has been amazing for our relationship. The girls are so much happier, I finally feel like we’re all working together as a team.”

Hugh Fraser


“Deborah’s voice is incredibly calming, since listening to her stress buster tracks my sleep has improved dramatically and I respond to my toddlers needs with more patience and understanding.”

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